I seem to be starting 2015 off on the right foot — I’ve already sold two stories. Of course, it helped that I finished 2014 with 23 stories still out there in submissions. The first story is “Piles of Angels,” which was bought by Sci Phi Journal, an “online science fiction and philosophy magazine. In each issue you will find stories that explore questions of life, the universe and everything and articles that delve into the deep philosophical waters of science fiction universes.” Interesting meld, and my story about a fallen god forced to live in hiding in Scotland seemed to fit the “deep philosophical water.” You can read more about the journal at http://www.sciphijournal.com/.
The second story was one of the “Luke Among the Lizards” stories where a student away for college — far away. Across the quadrant to a venerable saurian university. The story “Aqua Equal” deals with his arriving at the dorm and not knowing what’s what in this non-human culture. The story was bought by Third Flatiron Anthologies for their “Only Disconnect” issue coming out in June, 2015. (http://www.thirdflatiron.com/liveSite/)
So that’s two for 2015, and I still have 21 submissions out there.