This weekend I received an acceptance from Whortleberry Press for their annual Halloween anthology. Whortleberry does a series of holiday anthologies, and I sold the scifi-ish “We Three Kindreds” to the Christmas book last fall. This story is called “Black and Silver” and is set in Nazi Germany before the war. The essential problem is that the SS has taken over a medieval castle with a strong mystical heritage, killed off the rightful owners, and is now trying to force the castle to give up its secrets. But the last of the old staff, the cook, is determined to thwart the SS by calling upon the dead when the time is right. And the right time for calling on the dead, of course, is All-Hallows Eve. The editor enjoyed the “intriguing and careful detail” of the tale, which should be out for Halloween 2012. This is my fifth short story to sell in 2012. One is already in print (“Death Crone” in Night Terrors anthology), and the other four are scheduled for fall releases.