This week I had two uplifting moments in the perennial writing struggle. I heard “congratulations” from Third Flatiron Publishing that wants to include my story “Fate’s Finger” in their Playing With Fire themed anthology. This is my first sale of the year, breaking a string of 15 rejections since my last sale on November 20 of 2012. Then just today I heard back from Sword & Sorceress Vol. 28 about the story “Dead Salt” I had submitted the day before (this anthology is known for having one of the fastest response times in the industry). They aren’t making final decisions until May, but they are holding “Dead Salt” for further consideration, which is a step closer to another sale. I’ve been published in the last three volumes of Sword & Sorceress, but that’s no guarantee of acceptance. Every story has to start the process afresh, standing on its own merits before the editors. But on the writing front, it’s been a good week.